As girls, we are constantly talking about how fat we are. Sometimes we mean it, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we talk about it while at the gym, sometimes we talk about it while eating a Five Guys cheeseburger after a night of heavy boozing. Needless to say, these bodies are a changin'. And while we twenty something girls might not be the smoking foxes we were at 17, I’ve noticed that a lot of the boys I know aren’t exactly rockin’ the tightest bodies either these days, even publicly admitting they need to hit the gym.
How come when we were all sporting those cuter, tighter bodies we had no idea what we were doing in the sack? I can speak for myself and a few others when I say the sex in my life just gets better as I get older; I wish I could say the same for my body.
Not that any of us look bad, just more…real. You know real. Real in that we are at the point in our lives where there are 24 hours in the day and you have AT LEAST 25 hours worth of shit to do. Lets be honest, sometimes the gym is just not as important as happy hour if I have two free extra hours. These days if I get to the gym for 45 minutes 4 times a week I think I deserve a reward…Preferably in the form of a piece of chocolate and/or some booze.
Now that we do actually know what we’re doing and what we want in the sack, I wonder if those flaws that we think are so important really are? And are the flaws that we see in ourselves what the other part of the equation sees as well? Does our 'we've got this figured out, I know what I want and I know how to give you what you want' attitude and skill make up for these flaws? Is this just how it is until we have the resources/mentality to go back to being the tighter-fitter version of ourselves? And if so will the sex be even better? Hell, maybe we do have something to look forward too...
In true hothotmess fashion there will be no true rhyme or reason to the postings so you should be happy to take what you can get.