Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tis the get inappropriately drunk and pass out in embarrassing places.

So we all have had that moment where we pass out in an inappropriate place at an inappropriate time...but this is one of my most favorite holiday tales, enjoy!

Lived and written by an anonymous HotHotMess.

'I went to Don's for Christmas Eve dinner. His parents got a bottle of Crystal (I don't even know if that is how you spell it---but the nice champagne---lets be real, I only now how to spell Andre). We had it with dinner and I was a little intoxicated. His mom happened to have two other bottles of other champagne, so we drank that too. Then, his parents decided to go to their friends party (seriously, they have more friends and are cooler than I am).  We went to the party and there were a ton of people there---and a bartender. The bartender took a liking to me (I think more so because she could see I was wasted and wanted to embarass the fuck out of me). I then started telling all sorts of inappropriate sexual jokes. When we left I just remember thinking I was going to puke in the car. When we got back we were supposed to open presents but I went straight to Don's bed. I remember waking up around 4 am in my tights and bra, no dress. I just started yelling how I ruined Christmas. To make matters worse my nazi mom said I had to be home at 9am the next day so we could do Christmas (and for some reason, I listened to the bitch). So I had to leave at 7am before Don's parents woke up. They got me really nice and expensive gifts and wrote me a check for 200 bucks. But, I couldn't even say thanks. So, I had to call them later that afternoon when I got home to apologize for being a druken asshole and to thank them for their gifts. Mortifying.'

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